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Transform Your Life with Our Expert Guidance

Welcome to Soul Flow Wellness, where I believe that everyone has the ability to curate deeply fulfilling lives and relationships using their inner wisdom as their guide. As a psycho-spiritual life coach, I provide compassionate guidance and expertise in ancient and modern holistic practices to guide your self development journey. Gain clarity and step by guidance on how to live in your soul flow. Soul flow is the idea that when we align our thoughts and beliefs with our deepest values and desires in an embodied way, we can tap into a state of flow where our mind, body, and soul are in perfect harmony. This state of flow is characterized by a sense of peace, creativity, and well-being. With my coaching you will learn how to master your energy flow, trust your intuitive guidance, and feel confident in your most authentic expression. Start your journey today!


About the Founder, Amber Rose

I founded Soul Flow Wellness after my own self healing process unfolded. I realized that my corporate career was not aligned with my purpose and had drained my passion for life and love. I was living a life on autopilot, feeling disconnected from my mind, body, and spirit and noticed many of my colleagues and leaders were too. It was all pretty mediocre at best. My relationships stayed pretty surface level too and nothing seemed to be fulfilling. I didn't exactly recall how I got there, but I knew I couldn't keep living my life in this way. There had to be more to experience in life. My personal journey led me to discover the importance of finding work-life balance by rediscovering my playful side and child-like wonder for life experiences.


I got back in my body through vinyasa yoga, tantra and sensual dance practices which took me out of my overactive masculine (yang) and back into my feminine (yin) nature in an empowered way.


I found reiki, plant medicine, and the priestess path to help me identify and release my negative patterns and beliefs around feminine energy, relationships, and success in order to stop preventing myself from achieving a life filled with pleasure and purpose. This awakened the Energy Priestess living within me. Life became so much more sacred and connected in all aspects of life. I discovered a more intentional way of living and loving. 


I began to feel the most alive I had been in years, without using any substances to fuel me. My husband started to notice too and encouraged the transformation to continue. It also prompted us to break down and rebuild our relationship from showing up from our "should" selves to our own authentic expression of being in relationship. We stopped living from societal expectations and started to be curious about one another and more playful in our relationship too. When we as women are stuck in our shadow energy, it creates constant power battles at home like repelling magnets. I learned first hand that there has to be synergy between the dual energies inside and outside of us. A woman in her shadow aspect needs to delegate and control every aspect of the relationship just as she does in her work life. She can't feel safe enough to soften into her sensual , playful, nurturing side that her partner so badly desires.


I sought out aligned mentors and women's leadership groups to motivate me to keep going until I finally began to feel comfortable in my own feminine skin. Releasing the fear of not being accepted, not enough, or too much and embracing my most authentic expression full time. I can't express enough the importance of empowered support in this transition period, because the authentic you was often something you repressed to fit into society's demands on you. It can be a lonely path on your own, or an inspired and beautiful one with support.


Burnout occurs when we are showing up in an inauthentic way more often than in our natural energetic essence. The "Should" persona versus your true expression. As women, we must explore the shadowy areas where we determined our natural feminine energy was weak, not safe, or unacceptable and reclaim our feminine power. We are many personas to our whole being. Not just "good girls", mothers and care takers, but also wise sages and wild seductresses. Embrace it all!


My life transformed in all aspects of my life and continues to unfold in more beautiful ways than I ever thought were possible when this journey began. My beliefs didn't energetically align with this reality. My journey lit such a fire in me, that I felt called to make it my purpose to coach other women and couples how to find their most authentic expression in life and their relationships. I enhanced my lived experience with certifications in life and relationship coaching where I am always continuing to learn and grow to better serve my clients. 


I strongly believe that creating a healthy inner and outer environment is important for spiritual growth and overall well-being. With my visual merchandising background, I also work with my clients to help them create spaces that feel spiritually uplifting, light-filled and energetically supportive to their intentions for growth. By attending to the details that activate your living space, we'll ensure that you're supported in all aspects of your life. 

Tropical Flower

Certifications & Trainings

Certified Professional Life Coach

Transformation Academy

Completed advanced life coach training program in combination with multiple corporate management training programs and personal experience mentoring clients to successfully support them transitioning their lives for more fulfillment. Studies included: enlightened relationships, cognitive behavioral therapy, emotional intelligence, neuro-linguistic programing, personality index, life purpose coaching, empowerment coaching, SMART goal setting, and transformational coaching skills and strategies.

Reiki Master Teacher: Usui, Tantra, Kundalini Reiki

Mind, Body, Soul Solutions,

Virtued Academy Intl.

Bernardino Nardella

Completed multiple Reiki Master level trainings including Usui, Tantra, and Kundalini methodologies. Tantra reiki teaches you to use the body as a tool to circulate and charge your life force and deepens sensitivity in sensing the clients imbalances. Kundalini Reiki, developed by Ole Gabrielson, focuses on clearing and opening the chakras with the gentle rise of Kundalini energy from root to crown. Additional reiki studies have included guided meditation, visualization journeys, and shamanic practices infused with reiki energy. Advanced studies in subtle energy systems, inner child & distant healing, crystal healing, plant medicine & essential oils for energy work.

Ordained High Priestess

Awakened Priestess,

Clarity Barton

Priestess training including herstory ancient studies, triple goddess rituals, goddess study, space holding for ceremony and leadership, ritual creation, house blessings, tantra, sex magic, sacred union and sacred sexuality. 

ERYT-200 Yoga Instructor

RYT200 in 2015

ERYT-200 in 2023
Core Power Yoga

Hot Yoga Healthy You 

Certified in Power Vinyasa and Hatha Fusion with advanced studies in intelligent and advanced sequencing, voice and cues, environment and space holding, pranayama methods, tantric movement, intuitive movement, dance, and embodiment practices for nervous system regulation. 

YACEP Continuing Education Provider

Yoga Alliance Verified

Certified as a continuing education provider through Yoga Alliance. All courses that count as YACEP CE credits will be marked. You can also search Yoga Alliance for "Amber Schmidt" to see approved CE credit courses and offerings

Hypnosis Practitioner

Transformation Academy

Hypnotherapy & Coaching Center
Flavio Souzo-Campos

A hypnosis practitioner is able to guide clients into a deeper meditative state that supports working with the subconscious mind and creates lasting change in negative habits and self-limiting blocks. From this state you are able to reframe existing beliefs and shift your perspective on past life events to support more positive change in your future.

Additional Studies & Complimentary Certificates

Emotional Intelligence, Energy Psychology, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Past-Life Regression, Growth Mindset & Confidence, Empowerment Thinking, Indigenous Plant Medicine, Celtic Shamanism, Essential Oils For Emotions, Subtle Energy Systems, Embodied Leadership, Sacred Sexuality, Tantra, and Conscious Kink.   

Life Coach Certification Badge
Hypnosis Practitioner Certificate
E-RYT200 Yoga Instructor
Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Provider

Unlock Your True Potential with Soul Flow Wellness

Looking for a way to start your journey towards a more fulfilling life? Book a free connection call now to discover how my services can support transcending your life and the best offering to get you started today.

Amber Schmidt, life coach
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